Thursday, July 05, 2007


We had an awesome vacation! We had another great visit with my mom's parents and brother.
Here's the short and sweet of what we did on our vacation. We went to an Amish Museum.Which was really cool, because you know how it is when you've gone through an area so many times but hardly ever visit things around you. We also enjoyed something that is probably not on many people's list of fun things to do on vacation. We toured module homes and had a great time. We even saw Santa Clause jogging down the road in Paradise, PA twice! Now how often do you get to see something like that! :) Later we saw the Norman Rockwell Museum. And toured the Gilded Age home known as the Naumckege.After all the museums and houses, we went on an alpine slide and a roller coaster thingy. I forget what they called it, but it was lots of fun and we were told that it was the only slide of it's kind east of the Mississippi! It was awesome!Visiting a Shaker village was one of the last things on the list. Oh yeah and we saw some awesome, swicked(that's Jon's new word) houses. Like the place below where we stayed.
Don't we wish...notice how the picture was taken from the other side of the gate.
New York was our last stop.We got a tour of the church where Liz will be working and went out to eat with Josh and his two cousins. I love this picture.