Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Oh, false alarm! Well, tonight we had our first fire drill. All the
girls in Nell Sunday were spread out over the lawn in the back of the
dorm. Then as the girls came around to check if all the rooms were there
the sprinklers went off. It was actually a really quick fire drill. It
was kinda fun!


Blogger Daniel Dow said...

So, the sprinklers put the fire out then?

1:26 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Isn't that fun!!! I always think I'm gonna have a heart attack during those things. :)

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember those fire drills! I remember trying to climb out the top of the triple bunk in the dark, putting on a coat and shoes and wrapping a towel around my head. Do they still have you do all that? Somehow we always found out when there was going to be a fire drill, so it was kind of unrealistic as to how things would go if it had been a real fire. We didn't normally have our coat, shoes, and a towel right by our beds! I don't ever remember the sprinklers going off. :) Did everything get soaking wet?

I love you, Becka, and I'm so proud of how you are doing at school. Keep up the good work! Keep your focus on Christ!

You are a blessing!

Love you soooooooooooooooo much!

7:06 AM  

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