Friday, August 25, 2006

Off to College!

Well we have been on our trip for several days now. We left on Mon. around 4, yeah it was 3 hours later than we had planned on leaving, but Oh well it gave us a little extra time to spend with Grammy, Great Grandma, & Peej. Yesterday was one of the first days to do a little sight-seeing. While on our way to Cherokee, N.C. , we stopped off in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and decided to spend the day there. We went to a Ripley's Believe it or not, an aquarium, and to a miniature golf place.
I'd have to say my favorite place was the aquarium. Watching all of the amazing and beautiful animals that God has created was truly awesome! And to think that some people think that all happened by chance!

Today we went to a Cherokee museum and a bunch of souvenier shops. We had a great time in the Smoky Mountains, but Oh boy are we ever in the deep south now!


Blogger Peter said...

Sweet pics, Beckster! So, tell me... how is BJU? Are you excited? Nervous? Is tonight your first night in your dorm room? How are your roommates? Come on, girl! Keep me informed here! I guess my only question would be, "But why is the...?" :)

9:47 AM  
Blogger Becka said...

Wow, lots of questions! I'd like to try and call you tomorrow afternoon and then I can answer all your questions. I'm way to tired tonight. Thanks for leaving a comment. :)

P.S. I think we've come to a great understanding, spiritually, ecumenically, gramatically.

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary and I have been there--believe it or not! We went there on our first anniversary and stayed in Cades Cove close to where you all spent the day.

We will be praying for you at BJU and visiting with your sister later this week.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey becka- boo I emailed you 2day so if you haven't checked it yet go ahead and DO IT!!!!!
By the way great use of johnny depp lingo( is that allowed at bj?)

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Becka,

I just wanted to write a quick note and tell you how proud I am of you and that I'll be praying for you every day!

Please say "Hi" to your great roommates, the twins, Ben T. (if you see him), Evan, Evie, and anyone else I may know. :) Have fun joining society tonight!

Keep trusting in the Lord; He'll take you successfully through your first year.

I love you soooooooooooooo much!


5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Becka, wuz up at BJ? Every- thing here is going great but school. I'm starting to get tired of it, but everything else is going great. The JR High is now in the trailer, and Monday we are going to go to the freedom trail in Boston. We'll talk to you later! Bye.

1:52 PM  

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