Friday, September 29, 2006

Hey, long time no entry.

OK, that was odd. Well, I am very excited because it's the weekend!
Yeah, what every college student looks forward too. Me, I like start
counting down till the weekend beginning Monday. Though this weekend I
won't be hanging out much. I will be in my room a lot, or in the general
area studying. Oh, last night one of the girl's in my prayer group' s
mother came and she had brownies and ice cream. It was great! She's was
asking all the girls in the hall if they wanted some and she was giving
them hugs and everything. It was really, no it was WICKED cool! Well, I
guess I'd better get back to studying some more.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Freshman Prayer

Now I lay me down to rest,
A pile of books upon my chest,
If I should die before I wake,
That's one less test I'll have to take. (Amen) :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Hey, It's been so long since I've posted. Actually I haven't been able to get to my blog for the past three weeks, it's a long story.
Anyways, I have now finished three weeks of school and as my roommate and I discovered the other day we are around 1/5 of the way through. Well, let me update you all (not ya'll :) ) on the past few weeks. The first week was absolutely crazy!!! Student central was having problems and had to be shut down for a day, which means that a lot of us had to delay registering for classes. After all that confusion I had to buy my books, which I still don't have one of them because it hasn't even come in yet, and I got my schedule and everything. Classes began on Wens. the 30th. I was really nervous during the first class. It was my first time being in a big class room (besides driver's ed.) so I ended up writing down really stupid stuff. Oh, because I registered later, I couldn't get in to some of the later classes which means that I have an 8 o'clock class every day except for Fri., and I'm not a morning person.:)
Anyways, this is a picture of my prayer group and the girls on either side of me are my roommates. On the right of me is Virginia, she's a sophomore from Indiana, on my left is Becca, she's a senior from North Carolina, and on my far left is Megan, she's a freshman from Iowa (we sing the Music Man songs every now and then :)). I really couldn't have asked for better roommates. The've been wonderful and we have a lot of fun together. We've come to the conclusion that our room is the Temple of Distraction. So we're kinda like in a monastery. Becca, our APC, is the High priestess and the rest of us are the sisters. I am therefore Sister Becka.
I work ten hours a week in the dining common (of course every little freshman girl starts out in the dining Common :) ). I work at the beverage wall replacing the glass crates, taking all the empty crates back to dish wash, dragging the leverator full of clean glasses (all 324 of them) back to the wall, then when the machines start shutting down my partner and I clean the whole beverage wall and all the salad carts. It can get really confusing, but it's still a pretty good job.
Well, I joined a society with my close friends Melissa, Andrea, and Evie. We all belong to the Tigers. Yeah Tigers! Anyways, we had all decided on joining the same society. So we all went around at society rush and looked at them all. We decided that we would all agree on one before Society Ordination. Well, I had to work right up until the Ordination. I ran there and couldn't find them. Oh, by the way there are 1039 (something like that) freshman. So I finally found them, or rather they found me, good thing too. We had all being seriously considering joining the Ambassadors earlier in the day and they had changed their minds to the Tigers. So that's who I joined and I'm really glad I joined them.
OH, oh, oh, oh, and these are my close friends. There's Andrea,Melissa, Evie, Bill,Evan, and Michael. Oh, and my cinema classes for the most part have the same people in each class and there are about 27 of us. And we're all getting to know each other pretty well. So anyways, keep on praying for me and I will try to update whenever I can. I have it fixed now so that I can post.
Well I really miss everybody and I love you all!!! :)

Here's my info. :
phone: 864-271-5000 exten. 7112
Rebekah Rebert
Bob Jones University
Po. Box 51376
1700 Wade Hampton blv.
Greenville, SC

Well, for some reason my pictures won't come up in this entrie. I'll either try to get them in the next or try to revise this later.