Saturday, September 15, 2007

College '07

Wow! I have not updated in a while. That seems to be the beginning of a lot of my posts. Well, I'm back at BJ for my Sophomore year. Yeah Sophomores!!! And yes I'm still a Cinema Major. Things are going pretty well. School is starting to pile up once again. Right now though I am hanging out with two of my friends at the mall. I have a new job; I'm now working at Late Stay. It's basically like watching first graders once they're done with school. It's been great! I already have so many cute stories of things they've said and done.
Me & Lindsey at Society Induction Night
Me & Grace at the Mall

Our room's fish (schmeegle) our
four goldfish are now in a better place

I hope everyone is doing well. I miss everyone at home. Love you all!!! :)

Thursday, July 05, 2007


We had an awesome vacation! We had another great visit with my mom's parents and brother.
Here's the short and sweet of what we did on our vacation. We went to an Amish Museum.Which was really cool, because you know how it is when you've gone through an area so many times but hardly ever visit things around you. We also enjoyed something that is probably not on many people's list of fun things to do on vacation. We toured module homes and had a great time. We even saw Santa Clause jogging down the road in Paradise, PA twice! Now how often do you get to see something like that! :) Later we saw the Norman Rockwell Museum. And toured the Gilded Age home known as the Naumckege.After all the museums and houses, we went on an alpine slide and a roller coaster thingy. I forget what they called it, but it was lots of fun and we were told that it was the only slide of it's kind east of the Mississippi! It was awesome!Visiting a Shaker village was one of the last things on the list. Oh yeah and we saw some awesome, swicked(that's Jon's new word) houses. Like the place below where we stayed.
Don't we wish...notice how the picture was taken from the other side of the gate.
New York was our last stop.We got a tour of the church where Liz will be working and went out to eat with Josh and his two cousins. I love this picture.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Great College & Career Activity

Last Friday we had our 2nd activity at Gump's house. We had a great time playing baseball, croquet, and just hanging out. I think one of the funniest things was watching Dan, Ryan, & Gump playing croquet.

Click here for more pictures

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Back from College!!!:)

I can hardly believe that the year has gone by so fast. I am now officially a Sophomore which I'm very excited about. Even though I'm very happy to be home I really miss all of my friends at school as well. The Lord blessed me with some awesome roommates! I'll really miss the Temple of Distraction. :) My roommate Megan and I are especially close. At the same time it's great to be home and hang out with my friends here, especially my best friend! Throught this past year my parents have been a great encouragement to me. My poor mom heard all about my bad days and she often said "even this shall pass away". My dad also had his own little saying; on every postcard and letter that he sent he'd write "keep on keeping on and keep on looking up". I flew with a friend from Maine early Sunday the 6th. We had an hour layover in Chicago so Dan and I were going to try and see each other really quickly. When I think of airports I think of the Portland airport where you can easily go out of security and easily get back in. Well, it's not quit like that in the O'hare airport! I walked forever! Good thing Dan and I both have cell phones 'cause we would have never found each other. When I went back through security (it was a huge line!) I just made it as our flight was boarding (few)! Then they had to change a couple of tires on the plane so we had to go back out and wait in the terminal for another two hours (oh well). We finally made it back safely to Maine!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

No longer out of touch with the outside world!

My roomate jokes around that I live in the dark ages since I don't (or didn't) have a cell phone.
But I have now emerged from the old(? :) form of communication 'cause I have a cell phone now. Yeah! I'm soooo happy. It's a camera cell phone to. Ya, I get a little carried away with the pictures. I keep on taking random pictures of my friends. :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Wow, well when you're a college student things don't always work out like you'd like them to. I started this entry shortly before leaving to come back to school and this is the first time I've actually been able to acess my blog and complete the entry. So I will try to update everyone on this very exciting and important event. On January 6, 2007 my best friend Ash became Mrs. Ashley Dawn Decker. Several of the wedding party came down with the flu the week before-including the bride but as of Sat. morning everyone was fine (for the most part). It was a beautiful wedding and praise the Lord the rain held off. Steve and Ashley were so cute together and I wish them all the best. Love ya Ash & Steve! :)
Best man-Ryan Decker (brother of the groom)
Maid of Honor-Shyla Bridges (sister of the bride)
Grooms men-Denis (uncle of the bride)
Bride's maid-me
Junior Groom's men-Joshua Bridges (brother of the bride)
Junior Brides Maid-Cherish Bridges (sister of the bride)
Flower Girl-Molly Grant (niece of the groom)
Ring-bearer-Caleb Bridges (brother of the bride) Sorry for the lack of pictures.

The wedding rehearsal and the wedding were both tear-jerkers, Oh, we were all very happy for Ashley and Steve (who were also teared-up through most of the wedding).

Of course-no matter what the occasion-we had to take our traditional picture. :)

Congradulations Mr. & Mrs. Decker!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

First Artist Series!!!

Me, Natalie, Virgy, & Meg

Megan did a great job with my hair
Eric and I went to Artist Series
(The Taming of the Shrew, western style) on Saturday afternoon.

Room Pictures

Major: Voice Performance
From: North Carolina

Major: Nursing
From: Iowa

Major: Health & Fitness
From: Gary, Indianna